Sunday, May 30, 2010


I don’t really know what is mine anymore.I don’t own much of anything, really.

Just a few fond memories and a handful of useless talents.

And even now all I can do is try and fool myself into being genuine.

I wish some mornings were just like the ones we used to sleep through.

I wish every morning was just like the ones we slept through.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Everything feels wrong today.
And maybe that's because I woke up tangled in my sheets again.
I made them for you , you know.
And although , no one is asking much of me, I am completely overwhelmed.
I just feel like I'm wasting a lot of time and too much space.
If it weren't for the small collection of bug bites I have on my arms , I'd think no one wants me.

Monday, May 3, 2010

great escape

hey kid ,you don't need
to look so down, these days are
falling through fingers

always told you I'd
write you the greatest haiku
raincheck? I'm sorry.